Profitability and investment intentions among Swedish companies operating in Japan are positive and in line with results from the previous year. 感知到的商业环境前景仍然令人鼓舞, 乐博彩票官方app企业对未来持谨慎乐观态度.

Japan can be a very challenging market for foreign companies to enter; however, we are currently seeing a few major trends shaking up conventional market logic and creating key opportunities for Swedish companies to gain a foothold and expand in the market.

  • Partnership for digitalisation. One key area where Japanese companies are struggling is in digitalising processes and increasing productivity. 乐博彩票官方app公司在这一领域处于有利地位, 在开发和实施尖端技术方面有良好的记录, innovative digital solutions.
  • Driving sustainability. Another area where Japan is struggling to keep up with the global competition is within sustainability and environmental credentials. Swedish companies, on the other hand, have long established a strong reputation for prioritising high environmental performance as a core aspect of their competitive advantage.
  • M&A is on the rise and getting easier. Japanese companies have traditionally exhibited a reluctance towards mergers and acquisitions (M&A). 然而,近年来,M&日本的并购交易一直在逐步上升. Acquiring an established and trusted local player and enhancing it with a sharper product and/or service offering can, if done right, 成为乐博彩票官方app公司在日本乐博彩票官方app的主要助推器.

We hope the insights provided in this report will be valuable for your business in the coming year. 请随时联系乐博彩票官方app队的任何成员, questions, thoughts, or requests – we are always here to support the success of Swedish businesses in any way we can.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


Business Climate Surveys aim to map the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business around the globe.

In Japan, 自2018年以来,该调查每年进行一次, and the data collection for this year’s iteration was conducted in March of 2024, 并于四月及五月进行跟进访谈.

This year, Team Sweden identified 137 Swedish companies potentially present in Japan, 其中,有109人可以获得联系方式. Of the 109 contacted companies, responses were received from 77, 这意味着71%的回复率.

Lastly, 我们向所有参展企业表示诚挚的感谢, respondents, 以及参与今年调查的专家. 你的意见,一如既往,是无价的.