MBV系统公司的全球扩张起步温和. 除了芬兰和爱尔兰的少数客户, 国际销售很难进行下去. 几年前,事情终于开始好转.

他们其中一种产品的名声一路传到了日本. A Japanese researcher was so impressed by the solution that he contacted MBV Systems to discuss it further. The result of the meeting was an extensive order from the Japanese corporation JFE Steel. MBV系统目前正忙于规划新乐博彩票官方app的进一步发展.

MBV Systems develops advanced, camera-based measuring systems that can be used to improve the quality of steel.

The product that caught the attention of the Japanese researcher is called 3DPM. This nifty innovation was the result of a collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and IMV in Australia. A unique measuring system, it consists of hardware with laser and a camera plus a software that can analyse the images. The system measures the particle size distribution of materials used in blast furnaces, 并且会对最终的钢材质量产生很大影响.

像MBV系统这样的小公司需要支持才能进入世界. Lars Lindqvist, CEO

It is not only Japanese steel companies that are impressed by these innovative products. In March 2018, MBV Systems won SIP STRIM's and EIT RawMaterial's annual innovation competition. 这笔奖金是对公司研究基金的一笔可喜的补充. 换句话说,有更多的可能性投资于技术发展.

MBV系统公司目前正在探索其他几个乐博彩票官方app的潜力. 然而,当只有两名员工时,这说起来容易做起来难. 作为一家相对较新的小公司, it can be difficult to convince new customers that you have the necessary resources: "We get detailed questions about how we are going to manage maintenance and support, for example", 该公司首席执行官拉尔斯·林德奎斯特说. 他继续说道:“重要的是要有耐心,不要放弃. 我们一次解决一个问题,然后继续前进.”


其他挑战包括找出投资哪些乐博彩票官方app, 如何找到合适的客户和合作伙伴, and how to get in touch with them.

To continue growing globally, MBV Systems has developed a close collaboration with Business Sweden: "像MBV系统这样的小公司需要支持才能进入世界. Our business developer Erik Hagenrud from Business Sweden is like an internal colleague. We work together from A to Z. 因为我们有保密协议, we can talk about everything and use Business Sweden as a sounding board for our ideas,” Lindqvist says.

商业乐博彩票官方app在许多方面支持MBV系统:从乐博彩票官方app分析, statistics and evaluation of new markets to finding and introducing potential customers. 一起参观贸易展览和会议时, Business Sweden takes the opportunity to arrange customer meetings during the trip. MBV系统公司也非常感谢乐博彩票官方app商务部门在文化方面的建议, such as how organise a business dinner in Japan and how to behave in general.

MBV系统目前有很多事情要做, 无论是在技术发展方面还是在进一步的国际化方面. They currently have several promising prospects in Japan and Australia, for example.





通过他们与乐博彩票官方app商务部门的合作, MBV Systems received valuable insights from market analyses and statistics. They have also benefited from meetings with potential customers and advice on cultural aspects.


Thanks to their export investments, MBV系统公司上一财政年度的营业额增加了两倍多.


MBV Systems was founded in 2003 and had a turnover of SEK 14 million in the last financial year. 尽管它是一家相对年轻的公司, 它已经在重工业领域积累了丰富的经验. MBV Systems is 100% owned by Optimation, a consulting company with around 20 employees.


The recent success has opened new doors to both continued research and new markets.