电子商务领域的全球竞争十分激烈, 在投资海外之前,有许多因素必须考虑. However, to achieve profitability and long-term growth, looking beyond 乐博彩票官方app’s borders is essential.

我们的电子商务专家, 琳达·拉兹洛·艾克, 每天与乐博彩票官方app的电子零售商合作, helping them build robust export strategies and adapt their business concepts to maintain a competitive local presence in each market. 在这里, she answers some of the most frequently asked questions about international e-commerce and provides five key tips to enhance your chances of success with internationalisation.

What laws and regulations do you need to be aware of when internationalising your e-commerce?

The specific laws and regulations you need to consider depend on your unique circumstances, 你在国际化进程中处于什么位置, 以及特定乐博彩票官方app的投资水平. 比如你销售的产品类型, 你进入的乐博彩票官方app, 你使用的渠道都起着至关重要的作用.

As your e-commerce becomes more targeted and localised towards a particular market and your sales volumes increase, 你遵守当地法规的责任也在增加. 这些法规可以包括当地的产品要求, 注册要求, 增值税会计, 乐博彩票官方app营销规则, 以及您的网上商店的信息要求.

确保合规并避免潜在的法律问题, it is vital to thoroughly research and understand the specific regulations in each market you enter.


What basic factors are considered important for an international online store to be reliable and safe for online shopping?

作为一家外资电子商务运营商, 建立安全是很重要的, 信任, 以及对当地客户的信心. 吸引游客到你的网上商店是一个挑战, 但将这些访问量转化为已完成的购买是另一回事.

为了建立这种信任,几个“保证标志”对客户来说是普遍重要的. 不同的乐博彩票官方app有不同的偏好和行为模式, so gradually adapting your online shop to meet these local expectations will enhance your success.

一个基本步骤是提供本地支付解决方案和货币. Ensure that the total price, including any freight, duties, and taxes, is clearly stated at checkout. 提供本地交付方式和准确的交付时间进一步提高了可靠性. 另外, 网站信息的清晰度和透明度, 比如退货流程, 是必不可少的.

事实证明,将网站翻译成当地语言越来越重要, 尽管它的必要性可以根据你的目标受众和出口策略而有所不同. Addressing these key areas can create a more reliable and inviting shopping experience for international customers.



Opening a webshop to the entire world can pose risks if you are unfamiliar with the diverse laws and regulations governing different markets. 例如, encountering unexpectedly high customs duties and fees upon entry could lead to customers refusing to accept their goods.

Another scenario might involve incorrectly completing export/import documents or overlooking entry requirements, 导致海关扣留货物. This situation not only delays delivery but also entails additional costs and inconvenience for both you and the customer. 特定乐博彩票官方app也可能要求在当地注册, 符合增值税会计核算, 或遵守特定的产品要求.

为了减轻这些风险, a sensible approach is to initially establish your online shop within a specific geographical scope. This allows you to maintain control and gradually gain expertise in managing various market conditions. 随着时间的推移, 当你越来越熟悉不同的乐博彩票官方app和它们的复杂性, 你可以战略性地扩展到更多的全球乐博彩票官方app.

这取决于你的出口策略, there are benefits to identifying your customer base and thoroughly understanding the markets where you intend to operate. Tailoring your offerings to local preferences and needs can significantly enhance your competitiveness. 相反, maintaining a generic global site may pose challenges in standing out amid intense international competition. 因此, 专注于本地化营销工作, 比如有针对性的社交媒体活动, can be essential for effectively reaching and engaging potential customers in specific regions.


Do products you sell online need to be adapted to the local requirements of the market you are selling to?

The need to adapt your products to local market requirements depends on the specific product markets involved. 卖家有责任确保遵守当地法规, 包括标签, 成分列表, 回收规则, 消费者生产标准, 在不同的乐博彩票官方app中,哪些因素会有显著差异.

在欧盟, 统一的规则促进了成员国之间的电子商务, 尽管卖家还必须考虑具体的国家规定.

欧盟以外的乐博彩票官方app, it is essential to research and understand the regulatory requirements for each product in each country. 即使在同一国家的不同州或省,要求也可能有所不同, 影响产品定制和乐博彩票官方app选择的决策.


Linda suggests that focusing on the following factors will enhance your prospects of becoming a successful international e-commerce player:

  • 评估并选择你的报价最有潜力的乐博彩票官方app.
  • 在本地定制! 销售渠道的选择, 支付解决方案, 货币, 交付方法, 语言, 客户服务, 乐博彩票官方app营销是至关重要的.
  • Focus on the customer and cultivate strong customer relationships, even on an international scale.
  • Identify competitive advantages and strategies to differentiate yourself in the new market.
  • 挑战自我,敢于冒险!